Contact us
Head Office
Shrine Barn, Sandling Road
Postling, Hythe, Kent, CT21 4HE
T 01303 261 212
How to find us
From M20
1. Exit at junction 11
2. Exit roundabout onto A20/Ashford Rd (Signposted Hastings, Hythe, Newington, Racecourse)
3. Go less than 0.1 miles
4. Take 1st left to stay on A20/Ashford Rd (Signposted Newington, Lyminge, Saltwood)
5. Go 0.6 miles
6. Turn left onto concrete track signposted Shrine Barn
8. JC White is on the ground floor in the timber barn on your right
Head Office
Shrine Barn, Sandling Road
Postling, Hythe, Kent, CT21 4HE
T 01303 261 212